What Do You Need?

What Do You Need?

What do you need at CapU to support your teaching and learning? How can the Centre for Teaching Excellence best support you in your goals? Answer this short Faculty Needs Assessment survey and help us prioritize what matters for you for the coming year....
What’s New in eLearn: Database Activity

What’s New in eLearn: Database Activity

With the eLearn upgrade to Moodle 4.1 on May 1st comes some new functionality for the Database activity that you might find useful for your course. The Database activity allows the instructor and/or students to build, display and search a structured collection of...
ChatGPT & AI: Teacher’s Friend or Foe?  

ChatGPT & AI: Teacher’s Friend or Foe?  

A new form of Artificial Intelligence has entered the space of higher education with the recent launch of ChatGPT. This new tool will write anything you ask it to: Text, code, images and more. This makes it appear to be a disruptive technology and it offers an...
Spotlight on Faculty: Jari Osborne

Spotlight on Faculty: Jari Osborne

Get inspired by Jari Osborne’s Inspiration Story Assignment!  Jari Osborne, MOPA instructor, used an ungrading approach to deepen students’ learning and self-reflection. Let’s learn how!  In her words . . .   I wanted to let you know how happy I am with the...
Starting your year off right

Starting your year off right

When students feel a sense of community in the classroom, they are more likely to take ownership for their own learning and feel more motivated. The Community of Inquiry Framework (COI) provides a useful guide for developing community in your course.  The COI...