Centre for Teaching Excellence
Teaching and Learning Symposium 2020The call for proposals for Capilano’s 2020 Teaching and Learning Symposium is now open!
Our annual Teaching and Learning Symposium May 4 – 8, 2020 brings the Capilano faculty community together to share innovative ideas around scholary teaching and learning, effective teaching practices and resources, research, and the use of educational technologies.
The deadline for proposals is Monday, March 23, 2020.
We have 3 session formats this year:
Presentations/Interactive Workshops: 60 or 90 minutes
Present your ideas and engage your colleagues in an interactive workshop. Topic ideas: Describe an innovative approach to teaching, a conceptual tool you found useful, the impact of a teaching approach on student learning, share educational technology tools, interdisciplinary collaborations and more.
Roundtable Discussions: 60 minutes (3 X 20 minutes)
Share teaching and learning ideas in short, but impactful, roundtable sessions. These informal roundtables will be an opportunity to share with your colleagues in short but impactful sessions. Sessions run 3 X 20 minutes with participants changing tables every 20 minutes. Topic ideas: innovative approaches to teaching, new ideas to enhance student learning, experiential learning, interdisciplinary approaches, an area you are looking for collaboration on, etc.
Lightening Talk: 5 slides, 5 minutes
Quick highlights of a teaching practice, research or an initiative you would like to share with your colleagues.
Proposal Review Critieria
- Relevance of proposal to teaching and learning at Capilano
- Relevance to faculty across disciplines
- Clarity of intended session objectives/outcomes