Generative AI for Teaching and Learning

What is Generative AI?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that employs massive deep learning models trained on existing data to generate novel content, mimicking human thinking processes (Lim et al., 2023). As one of the first available Large Language Models (LLM) available freely to the public, ChatGPT emerged in November 2022 as a Generative AI tool that allowed anyone to create textual content in response to text prompts. Powered by intelligent text generators, ChatGPT yields outputs that resemble human output. Since that release, many other Generative AI tools, including AI image generators, text-to-video, video-to-text, AI automations, and music generators to name a few. AI has become embedded in devices (phones, computers and tablets) while providing greater applied options but also posing challenges to personal privacy. Using AI in higher education invariably means having discussions with your students, but also consulting with colleagues about the variety of use cases for these powerful new technologies. 

Academic Integrity and Generative AI

The widespread application of Generative AI in academic contexts has caused waves of concern about its potential for misuse and the serious challenge it poses to academic integrity (Eke, 2023[i]; Stokel-Walker, 2022[ii]). In response, educational institutions are making efforts to uphold academic integrity while promoting safe and responsible use of Generative AI (e.g., UBC, n.d.[iii]; UCalgary, n.d.[iv]; Observatory on AI Policies in Canadian Post-Secondary Education[v])

Recommendations for Instructors

We offer the following recommendations to instructors:

  • Promote academic integrity as a core value: Emphasize to students the unwavering expectation for producing original work and upholding academic integrity. Model the ethical use of Generative AI as a tool for scaffolding the exploration of new ideas.
  • Consider whether you want to make use of Generative AI: Take time to review how generative AI was developed, the ethical implications[vi], and decide whether this is a technology you’re interested in supporting.
  • Facilitate discussions on the safe and responsible use of Generative AI: Encourage students to engage in open discussions on the ethical use of Generative AI in academia. Help students to understand the limitations and capabilities of Generative AI, and the negative impact that relying on AI can have on development of skills essential for their success both during and beyond their university life.
  • Explicitly communicate your policies: Clearly convey to students your classroom policies on the use of Generative AI in academic work, outlining permissible uses, if any, and the consequences of violations.
  • Adopt alternative assessment approaches to render AI-based cheating unfeasible: Stay up to date with Generative AI advancement and remain well-informed about the latest development in Generative AI and its potential impact on academic integrity. Consider adopting alternative assessment approaches to render AI-based cheating unfeasible[vii].
  • Leverage Generative AI for teaching and learning excellence: Adopt strategies that harness Generative AI’s capabilities to complement and enhance course design, and teaching and learning processes, while promoting academic integrity. Use AI as a constructive tool rather than a compromising factor in academic experience.
  • Stay up to date on practical implications of Generative AI within your field: Teach students how to use critical thinking and analysis to use Generative AI in their respective field through practical and authentic assignments in class.
  • Reconceptualize what education may look like: Emphasizing the process over the final product as well as “cultivating skills that AI cannot easily replicate, and fostering intelligence augmentation (IA) through building human-AI partnerships.” (Cao & Dede, 2023[viii])
  • Use two-way transparency: If you choose to use Generative AI for your teaching, for example Designer in Powerpoint, image generation, ideas for teaching and learning etc.; make sure you are disclosing this with your students when the expectation is for them to disclose with you. Practicing this will help to maintain a culture of trust within the classroom (Jiahui Luo Jess, 2024[ix]).

Detection Tools

The Center for Teaching Excellence does not recommend or support the use of detection tools and instead recommends a comprehensive strategy based on mentoring and learning-centred approaches.

The extensive use of Generative AI has resulted in the emergence of various tools aimed at detecting AI generated texts, which may appear to offer a convenient solution to the concerns at hand. However, empirical studies have indicated that the effectiveness of these tools is constrained by limited accuracy, potential bias against non-native speakers of English, and susceptibility to circumvention. Consequently, they are not deemed suitable for detecting plagiarism in academic environments (Dalalah & Dalalah, 2023[x]; Luo & Pearson, 2022[xi]; Weber-Wulff et al., 2023[xii]).

The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is committed to upholding academic integrity in the age of Generative AI through a multifaceted approach, including educating the university community about the potential uses of Generative AI in education and society as a whole, devising strategies to mitigate unauthorized use (e.g., adapting assessment methods), and working with instructors to effectively incorporate AI as a tool to enhance teaching and learning. 

Suggested Syllabus Language

*Adapted from Generative AI Syllabus – Academic Integrity at UBC[xiii]

This example language is meant to be adapted by the instructor or department before adoption.

Generative AI tools are not permitted in any case

  • Use of generative artificial intelligence tools to complete coursework in this course is prohibited in all cases. Use of these tools is considered cheating through the use of unauthorized aids. (See Academic Integrity Policy.) This is considered academic misconduct and may have serious consequences.
  • The use of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT and other similar tools, to complete or support the completion of any form of assignment or assessment in this course is not allowed. Use of these tools is considered cheating through the use of unauthorized aids (see Academic Integrity Policy section 7.2.1) and would be considered academic misconduct.

 Generative AI tools are not permitted unless explicitly stated otherwise

  • The use of generative artificial intelligence tools is strictly prohibited in all course assignments unless explicitly stated otherwise by the instructor in this course. This includes ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools and programs.

Generative AI tools are permitted with specific restrictions

  • Students are permitted to use AI tools for formative work such as gathering information or brainstorming but may not use it on any assessed work or final submission.

 Generative AI tools are permitted

  • Students are permitted to use artificial intelligence tools, including generative AI tools such as ChatGPT or Bing Chat, to gather information, review concepts or to help produce assignments. However, students are ultimately accountable for the work they submit, and any content generated or supported by an artificial intelligence tool must be cited appropriately (see How to cite ChatGPT (apa.org)[xiv]). Use of AI tools is not permitted during midterm exams and final exams in this course.
  • Students may use the following specific AI tools in completing their assignments for this course [list tools] and must be cited appropriately (How to cite ChatGPT (apa.org)[xv]). No other generative AI tools or technologies are permitted for assessed work. If students are unclear about the use of AI tools or applications for coursework, please speak with the instructor.

Additional Resources

In February 2023, the CTE hosted two open conversations about ChatGPT and its impacts on teaching and learning at CapU:

Session 1: ChatGPT – A Teacher’s Friend or Foe?  Passcode: K?mjy!2Y

Session 2: Assessment Design and ChatGPT Passcode: mM#%5$mW

  • [i] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrt.2023.100060
  • [ii] https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-04397-7
  • [iii] https://academicintegrity.ubc.ca/generative-ai/
  • [iv] https://taylorinstitute.ucalgary.ca/resources/teaching-with-AI-apps
  • [v] https://higheredstrategy.com/ai-observatory-home/
  • [vi] https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/content/51741
  • [vii] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sLiSGbEMhw4ySLB75ULLj04XFo1IWZIE6twIZPr0-AA/edit
  • [viii] https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/websites.harvard.edu/dist/a/108/files/2023/08/Cao_Dede_final_8.4.23.pdf
  • [ix] https://capilanou1-my.sharepoint.com/personal/lwatson_capilanou_ca/Documents/Jiahui%20Luo%20(Jess
  • [x] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2023.100822
  • [xi] https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.23.521610
  • [xii] https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2306.15666
  • [xiii] https://academicintegrity.ubc.ca/generative-ai-syllabus/
  • [xiv] https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/how-to-cite-chatgpt
  • [xv] https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/how-to-cite-chatgpt



Guidelines for Use

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