FR402A (CTE meeting room)
Come practice and experience the power of Liberating Structures in a safe and welcoming peer environment. Liberating Structures are a collection of interactive, engaging and easy to use methods/facilitation strategies that can be used in the classroom. The practice group meets monthly and all faculty are welcome! Each meeting is an opportunity to experience and practice facilitating 2-4 structures, as well as reflect on their value and usefulness in our classrooms.
Drop in to participate and/or sign up with CTE to co-facilitate one of the structures.
Questions? Please contact Bettina
“Liberating Structures (LS) are a growing collection of group processes and methods that make it easy and quick for members of any group to radically change how they interact and work together. Their purpose is to liberate energy, tap into collective intelligence, stimulate creativity, and get surprisingly better results by engaging people and unleashing the power of self-organization.”
(Quoted from: Kimball, Lisa. (2009). Liberating Structures: A New Pattern language for Engagement. Available at: [Last accessed September 20, 2018])