FR402A (CTE meeting room)
Join us for informal brown bag lunch series on a variety of teaching-related topics. Meet new colleagues, expand your campus-side network, and share your experiences.
Today's Topic: Simplify Your Peer Evaluation Workflow with Moodle: From Paper to Excel The peer evaluations for the group projects are in! In front of you is a pile of about 35 X 5 handwritten evaluations and ratings completed by your students. Now what? Peer evaluations for group projects can be a valuable assessment and teaching and learning tool when thoughtfully implemented and aligned. In this lunch and learn, we will discuss examples of peer evaluations and how they are used, and explore how you might want to set them up in Moodle to easily compile the data for feedback and/or translation into grades. Bring your lunch, your peer evaluation questions and examples (paper or electronic copies) and your laptop for some hands-on practice. Facilitated by Bettina Boyle (Centre for Teaching Excellence) and Susan Mangan (IT Services)