March 8, 10:00am – 11:20am, Blended Delivery
Do you ever think that grades may reduce your students’ interest in learning itself?
Or perhaps you dread the day you have to pass a somewhat subjective judgement on the students you have otherwise worked hard to build a trusting relationship with?
While it may be challenging to get completely rid of grades, or to “Ungrade” (Blum, S. 2020), there are many alternative practices, we can employ to start focusing our own and our students’ attention more on teaching and learning than on grading. Join us as we explore specific alternative grading practices including their potential to ensure more equitable or meaningful learning experiences, encourage more risk-taking, consider student (and teacher) wellbeing and build better relationships with students.
Learning outcomes:
1) Identify at least one reason why you want to consider an alternative approach to grading
2) Choose an alternative grading approach you will implement/try for a course this fall
3) Share and receive feedback (in triads) on how you will apply this alternative grading approach